When I started my Etsy Shop a few months ago, I had no idea what I was doing. Okay, I still don't, but I would like to think that I'm making progress. I tried to read any advice I could find, and what I heard over and over again was "Be patient, everyone starts off slowly." That's great advice, but how to actually get people to look at my product was still a mystery. Then I found out about Teams. A Team on Etsy is a group of people united under a common interest. Most are there for mutual support and promotion. I joined a couple of teams and participated in some discussions that didn't really seem to lead anywhere. Some teams require that you apply. I applied for one large team that I knew actively promoted their members. They feature sellers of natural products so I felt that my undyed alpaca baby products would fit right in. And I didn't see anyone with a similar shop in their members, which seemed to be a positive aspect. In fact, I didn't see anything alpaca related within the team. I was semi-politely turned down, they said "in spite of my being new to Etsy," which I took as meaning because of my being new to Etsy. The leader who sent the rejection let me know that in spite of the fact that my site talks about the hypoallergenic properties of alpaca, she personally finds alpaca fiber to be "extremely irritating." I was told that I could reapply in six months or so. I don't think I'll be doing that. I can handle my shop getting off to a slow start. I know how to be patient. Rejection, on the other hand, I don't handle as well, and somehow I get the feeling that I will never be up to the high standards set by that particular team.
My next post will be about a very positive Etsy Team experience.
She found Alpaca "irritating" -- seriously???
ReplyDeleteWell, you are better off without...